Want to save money? Do not try these methods

People will do just about anything in order to save money. Whether it is stuffing…

People will do just about anything in order to save money. Whether it is stuffing in those extra condiments or asking for a ride. It is exciting and it is even better than a raise because the saved twenty quid are entirely yours to keep, whereas you will lose five or more out of the earned twenty.

It is alright and even good to look to save money on stuff. There is nothing wrong in shopping around and looking for cheaper deals. However, some of the ways that you find in magazines or websites are simply outrageous.

Apart from raising some ethical concerns, they are nothing more than time pass entertainment. I would recommend you to read them for the sake of entertainment but would never suggest them to anyone as a means to save money.

Here are a few that simply top the charts.

Here is a mother’s confession. She used to tell her children to take as many free condiments, all the ketchup, mustard, salt and others that they could possibly take whenever they “paid” a visit to any fast food place. Moreover, she also made her kids empty these packets into her regular ketchup and mustard jars. The proud mother says that she hasn’t had to purchase any of these condiments.

There is one more creative suggestion from one penny pincher. He saved money on his car washes this way. No, not by washing it himself (because technically the soap and water would still cost him!) but by doing it using that gas station squeegee; the things people can do!

Well, if that was out of the earth then read this one. A man suggests that if you want an umbrella for free then simply visit the lost and found section of any big public library. Inform them that you have lost your black umbrella.  Almost certainly, they will have several. You can choose the one you like and claim it for yourself. Now, what if they do not have black ones? Well, we might have to wait until this guy suggests a chart colour frequency.

This is an amusing suggestion here about saving on long distance calls. Simply, call when you are sure that they will not be at home. You can simply leave them a message and then they will pay when they call back. However, nothing is said about the chance that you call and they happen to answer. Well, I think then you simply hang up and call back later.

None of these suggestions should be used by anyone. They are nothing more than a mere waste of time. you can read them and use a few laughs but I don’t think they are of no more use than that.

Instead of spending your time and energy after these “techniques,” you would save far if you simply work an extra hour.